    How to Submit Additional Verification for Withdrawal
    bybit2024-11-26 12:45:38
    On the AppOn the Website

    For security reasons, you may need to submit additional information to verify your identity during the crypto withdrawal process. Failure to provide documents within 72 hours will result in instant withdrawal rejection.


    Here is the guide on how you can submit verification information. 




    Step 1: Go to the Funding Account History page, select History, and then click on Withdraw. Alternatively, you may visit directly via this link.

    Step 2: Select Withdrawal In Progress under Status Filter and look for the order that contains “To ensure security of your assets, additional verification is required. Proceed to Verification”, and click on Proceed to Verification.




    Step 3: Review the withdrawal information and submit the requested documents.


    Below are different types of documents that might be requested, along with their descriptions:


    Types of Documents


    Identity Verification Document

    Selfie picture of yourself holding a piece of paper with a hand-written date and the original ID used for Identity Verification.

    • For example, if you have previously used your national identity card to perform your Identity Verification, our team requires you to resubmit the same identity card (front and back) in the reply email.

    • Submitting another document other than the one registered in our system will be rejected by the Bybit Identity Verification team.

    • All information available on the document must be clear and legible, preferably in HD resolution. The team will also pay close attention to the clarity of your facial features in the image, ensuring they are clearly shown.

    • The photo or document uploaded needs to be the original file; printed or photoshopped documents are not acceptable. Please make sure there are no watermarks in the photo.

    • The date should be the day you take the selfie picture.

    • Handwritten on paper with the current date: I confirmed that this document belongs to me and requested for withdrawal on dd/mm/yyyy.

    • Your facial features should be clearly visible.

    • Please provide the selfie photo in HD image resolution, ensuring that both the handwritten note and the identity document in the selfie photo are fully visible and readable. Please refrain from covering your identity document and handwritten notes while taking the selfie photo.

    Screen-Recording of a Recent On-Chain Deposit

    The recording should highlight the following key points.


    Note: Failure to provide the necessary information may result in the rejection of your appeal.


    1. Login to external exchange platform: Successfully log in to the external exchange platform. To protect your login credentials, you may consider typing your username and password first before starting the screen recording. Face ID login, SMS code, and Google 2FA verification are all acceptable.

    2. Deposit/Refund record page: Redirect to the deposit or refund record page of the exchange platform.

    3. Show the withdrawal details: Display the related withdrawal details and all deposit or refund transfer details. Details should include the amount, coin type, transfer date and time, and the completed TXID (Transaction hash).

    4. Show full refund TXID or redirect to blockchain: If the external exchange platform does not show the full refund TXID in the history page but a link redirects to the blockchain, please click on the link and show the information on the blockchain. 

    If you only obtained the refund TXID through consultation with the external exchange platform (such as Customer Support chat history, refund details via email or SMS, or through a self-service application), please include the conversation record in the screen recording.


    - Kindly be informed that we are referring to the previous platform (e.g., Binance, Kraken, Coinbase, MetaMask, your other Bybit account, etc.) where you made deposits to Bybit, not the transaction details in your current Bybit account. 

    - Please be reminded to include the login step of the previous platform in the video.

    Screen-Recording of a Recent Fiat Deposit

    Please provide proof of payment with fiat and an account login video associated with your registered email address, along with a purchase history or order confirmation video.


    1. Fiat Deposit Proof of Payment

    • If your deposit was made via credit card or bank transfer, provide your credit card statement or bank statement showing the transaction record to the particular fiat gateway or Bybit.

    • If your deposit was made via ATM, provide an image of the deposit invoice or confirmation receipt.

    • Proof of payment should include the amount in Fiat Currency, Coin Type, Purchase/Withdrawal Date and Time, as well as Order ID (If any).



    b. Account Login Video with Purchase History/Order Confirmation:

    Step 1: Demonstrate logging into your registered email account.

    • Successfully log in to your email account. (To protect your login credentials, consider typing your password before starting the screen recording.)


    Step 2: Search in the email account and display the purchasing or order confirmation email from the fiat gateway provider.

    • This video will help us verify your ownership and ensure the security of your account.

    The provided notification emails should clearly show the order details with the amount in Fiat Currency, Coin Type, Purchase/Withdrawal Date and Time, Order ID (if any), and the completed TxID (if any). 

    • If there's no full TxID on the page but a link redirects to the blockchain, please click the link and display the information on the blockchain.

    • Refer to the article here for more info on how to perform a screen recording on a PC, Mac, Android, or iPhone.

    Prove Ownership of the Withdrawal Address

    • Transfer a small amount of funds from your previously used withdrawal address to the current withdrawal address to verify your ownership.

    • Please use a withdrawal address that has been previously used (from at least 48 hours ago) to verify the new address. Using a new address to prove ownership of funds may result in verification failure.

    • After the on-chain transfer is complete, provide the withdrawal TxID or TxHash.

    Step 4: Once you have submitted the documents, our relevant team will review them and get back to you via email within 24 hours.



    If your document is rejected, you will be notified via email and given additional time to provide the requested documents. In that case, repeat the process from Step 1 to upload the newly requested documents.

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