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    623 result for Bybit
    Funding Fee CalculationBybit’s last traded price is always anchored to the global spot price. It is similar to the interest cost of holding a position in spot margin trading.  On Bybit,The funding fee is exchanged direc...
    Why Was My Position Liquidated When the Candlestick Did Not Touch My Liquidation Price?Bybit chart are the price history and movement of the platform's Last Traded Price (LTP). On the other hand, liquidation is triggered by the Mark Price (yellow price figure on the order book) but ...
    How to Get Started With Dual AssetBybit.  Create Your OrderView Your Orders   Create Your OrderStep 1: Go to the Dual Asset page by tapping on Bybit Earn → Dual Asset.      Step 2: Choose your product plan. First, select...
    Isolated Margin/ Cross MarginBybit, the main function of the leverage is to adjust the initial margin rate used for your position. The margin, can be seen as collateral. It means how much risk the trader is willing to take on thi...
    FAQ — Spot TradingBybit Spot trading fee?Bybit charges a 0.1% trading fee from the Taker and does not charge any trading fee to the Maker.For more details, please refer to Spot Trading: Fees Explained.   What is Mak...
    Comparison of Spread Strategies in Cross Margin and Portfolio MarginBull/Bear spreads are an Options strategy implemented by purchasing Call/Put Options, while also selling the same number of Calls/Puts on the same asset with the same expiration date at a higher/lower...
    Liquidation Price (Liquidity Mining) Liquidation price is only applicable if you've added leverage that's higher than 1x. Your positions will be liquidated if the mark price hits the liquidation price. For liquidity providers, ...
    How to Contact Customer Support of Third-Party Payment ChannelBybit accounts. Generally, the expected time to receive deposits will be within 2 to 3 hours. If traders experience delays and do not receive their deposits after 24 hours, please refer to your email...
    Liquidation AlertBybit has launched a feature — Liquidation Alert — that allows traders to deploy strategies early in their Derivatives trading to reduce the risk of liquidation. You’ll receive an alert — via...
    P2P Appeal Handling RulesBybit is not liable for any loss resulting from the transaction. Bybit reserves the right to suspend users who are uncooperative during the process.  2. Payment amount and order amount do not matchI...

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