Copy Trading


Copy Trading is a portfolio management tool that allows traders to copy trades executed by other expert traders.

The goal of Copy Trading to allow all traders to benefit — regardless of whether they are a Follower or a Master Trader.

Followers share the same trading strategy as the seasoned traders they are copying.

As experienced traders, Master Traders can promote their trading strategies, attract new Followers and receive a corresponding percentage of the net profit earned by each of their Followers on Bybit, based on their Master Trader level.

Currently, Copy Trading on Bybit is only available for Derivatives contracts. Bybit's Copy Trading platform strives to bring Followers and Master Traders a win-win trading experience.

While Copy Trading can be lucrative, there are risks involved, and Followers should take note that the past performance of Master Traders is not a guarantee of future returns. Also, the return on investment (ROI) of Followers may not be 100% the same as their Master Traders due to slippage.

How Copy Trading Works

With Copy Trading, the trades of Master Traders and their Followers are synchronized. After a Follower selects a Master Trader and sets the copy order parameters, all new copy trades of the corresponding positions/orders initiated by the Master Trader will be automatically copied to the Follower's account as market orders.

Derivatives Copy Trading

Contracts Supported on Copy Trading

To understand the specific limits of each contract supported on Copy Trading, please check the following table. Please note that figures are subject to change according to market conditions. For the contract price limits, you can visit here.

ContractMax Order SizeMin order sizeTick SizeMin LeverageMax Leverage
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