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    619 result for bybit
    Spot Trading: Fees ExplainedTraders can be classified as market takers or market makers. For every executed order, trading fees are incurred. Market takers are traders who seek liquidity and take liquidity off the book immediat...
    Introduction to Spot Margin TradingWhat is Spot Margin Trading?   What is Spot Margin Trading?Margin trading on Bybit is a Derivative product based on Spot Trading. With Margin trading, you may use assets in your Spot Account as col...
    Perpetual & Futures Contract: Fees ExplainedTraders can be classified as market takers or market makers. For every executed order, trading fees are incurred. Market takers are traders who seek liquidity and take liquidity off the book immediat...
    P&L Calculations (Inverse Futures Contract)Unrealized and Closed P&L for futures contracts are calculated using the same formula as inverse perpetual contracts. For a detailed understanding of how both P&Ls are derived, please refer t...
    Service Restricted CountriesAs stated in Section 11.3 of the Service Agreement, Bybit does not offer services or products to Users in a few excluded jurisdictions including the United States, the Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong, Sin...
    Risk Disclosure StatementThis Risk Disclosure Statement (this “Statement”) applies to the electronic trading platform (including any applicable mobile applications and websites used to access the same) (collectively the ...
    Trading Rules: Liquidation Process (Unified Trading Account)Overview of Margin ModesLiquidation Process under Each Margin Mode in UTAIsolated MarginCross MarginPortfolio MarginSpot Trading RulesReferences Overview of Margin ModesBybit's Unified Trading Ac...