Here’s a detailed guide to apply for your Bybit Card.
For a Virtual Bybit Card
Step 1: Go to Finance → Card and click on Apply Now.
Step 2: Select your Country of Residence.
Bybit Card is currently only available in limited countries. If your selected country of residence is not within the supported countries, we will register your interest now and inform you when Bybit Card is coming to your country.
Step 3:
a) Complete the requirement of Eligibility Check: Identity Verification and click Verify.
Accepted Proof of Identity includes an Australian National ID, Passport and Driver’s License.
Users with a non-Australian Proof of Identity will be required to provide their Passport, and an Australian Proof-Of-Address for the eligibility check.
Note: Bybit Card has more stringent requirements for Identity Verification. Hence, you may be required to update your Identity Verification even though you have already completed it on your Bybit account previously.
b) Provide your residential address.
Step 4: Confirm (or set up) your registered email address. You will also be requested to set up Google Verification if you have not set it up yet.
After successful submission, your virtual Bybit Card application will be under review and this process usually takes a few minutes. In some cases, the review can take up to 7 working days. You will be notified via email when your application is successful.
For a Physical Bybit Card
To apply for a physical card, you must first successfully obtain a virtual card.
Step 1: Go to Finance → Card. Click Apply Now on the physical Bybit Card Application banner.
Step 2: Edit the display name on your card. Please note that the display name can only contain up to 21 Latin characters and spaces.
Step 3: Edit your shipping address. Please note that the shipping address should be in the same country as the provided Residential Address.
— Bybit reserves the right to reject any address change request if the edited address is inconsistent with your virtual Bybit Card's Address Verification. We currently do not support submitting additional proof of address to change the shipping address.
— VIP users are entitled to apply for DHL delivery services starting from July 23rd, 2024 onwards. For DHL delivery issues or inquiries, please contact DHL Customer Service here for further assistance.
Step 4: Set and verify your PIN. The PIN will be used for ATM transactions and to make large purchases at retail merchants. You can still reset the PIN after activating the card. However, please keep your PIN securely and privately.
Step 5: Click on Apply after you have confirmed the details. Your address change request will be reviewed within 7 business days and you will be informed of the outcome via email.
Tips: Add notification@bybit.com and complianceops@bybit.com to your address book to ensure our email enters your inbox.
Step 6:
Once your address review is approved, you may go back to the application page.
If your application is rejected, you will be able to edit the address and resubmit the application. Kindly refer back to Step 3.
Step 7: You will see a pop-up message saying that your application is successful. You may click the View Status button to be redirected to the Card Management page.
The card delivery might take up to 30 days to arrive. We are not able to provide the shipment status details as the delivery method used does not offer a tracking service. Please refer to this FAQ if you have not received it for more than 30 days.
For VIP users on DHL Delivery, the tracking number will be shown on the Card Management page once the card has been shipped.