    Introduction to P2P Advertising Shared Asset
    bybit2024-07-11 18:30:21

    Bybit has introduced a P2P (Peer-to-Peer) advertising shared asset function, which allows multiple sell-type advertisements to be posted with the same amount of assets to maximize asset efficiency. 





    If you have 100 USDT in your Funding Account, either one advertisement of 100 USDT is supported, or several advertisements with a total of no more than 100 USDT. If you want to post more advertisements, you need to deposit more assets in your Funding Account.



    If you have 100 USDT in your Funding Account, you can post multiple advertisements of 100 USDT or less, each at the same time.






    • Improve asset utilization: Multiple advertisements with the same amount of assets are supported
    • Implement personalized advertising strategies: Multiple payment methods and different price settings are supported
    • Gain more exposure for your advertisements




    If your Funding Account has an available balance of 100 USDT, you can post Advertisement A with a quantity of 100 USDT, and at the same time post Advertisement B with a quantity of 100 USDT.


    When Advertisement A has a buy order of 99 USDT, Advertisement B has only 1 USDT tradable quantity. If the minimum transaction amount of Advertisement B is 5 USDT, then Advertisement B will be hidden from the advertisement list.


    If the order for Advertisement A is canceled, the tradable quantity of advertisement B is restored. Advertisement B will then continue to be displayed in the advertisement list without affecting the sorting.


    If the order for Advertisement A is filled, Advertisement B will be automatically removed by the system due to insufficient available balance.



    — This function is only applicable to sell-type ads. Buy-type ads are not affected.

    — Please ensure that the maximum transaction amount for a single advertisement you post does not exceed the available balance in your Funding Account.






    1. There can be two (2) active sell-type advertisements in the same trading pair at the same time.


    2. No additional settings are required. This function will be enabled when two or more sell-type advertisements are posted.


    3. a) Ads posted using shared assets: When multiple advertisements share a certain amount of assets, an advertisement is removed from the list when other advertisements complete transactions and the available balance in the Funding Account is insufficient.

      b) Ads posted not using shared assets: When the total quantity of the two sell-type advertisements you post is less than the available balance in your Funding Account, the posted advertisement will not use shared assets. In this case, each advertisement posted by the user is unaffected by other advertisements.

    4. When the shared asset function is activated, posting a sell-type advertisement will not freeze the corresponding asset quantity.

    • Transferring out: If you transfer assets from your Funding Account and the available balance is less than the quantity of the advertisement, the advertised transaction quantity will be reduced accordingly.

    For example, let’s say you post an advertisement for 100 USDT. If you transfer 60 USDT from a Funding Account that holds 150 USDT, the available balance in the Funding Account is reduced to 90 USDT, therefore the transaction quantity of the advertisement will automatically be adjusted to 90 USDT.

    • Transferring in: If you transfer assets to your Funding Account, the transaction quantity of advertisement will not be affected. 

    For example, if you post an advertisement of 100 USDT, and transfer 50 USDT to your Funding Account which holds 100 USDT, then the transaction quantity of the advertisement remains unchanged.

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