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    619 Rezultat pentru Bybit
    Troubleshooting: Unable to Use Yubikey AuthenticationIf you're having trouble using your YubiKey, here are some steps you can take to resolve your issue:Make sure your YubiKey is properly inserted into a USB port on your computer.Check that the application you're using with the YubiKey is properly configured to recognize the YubiKey. For example, if you use a YubiKey for two-factor authentication, please make sure the application is configured to use the YubiKey as a valid authentication method.Try using the YubiKey on a different computer or a different application to see if the issue is specific to your current setup.Ensure that your YubiKey is up-to-date with the latest firmware and software.Try a different YubiKey (if available) to see if the issue is with the one you are currently using.If you still have issues, you can try to contact Yubico support for assistance. They can provide more advanced troubleshooting and help you determine if your YubiKey needs to be replaced.If you fail to log in due to the loss of Yubikey, please reach out to Bybit Customer Support by submitting a case here. You will receive an automation email and our customer support will contact you within 1-3 working days. ...
    Introduction to USDC Perpetual and Futures ContractsBybit offers a range of USDC-settled contracts for traders to choose from, including both USDC Perpetual and USDC Futures Contracts.   USDC Perpetual Contracts are a type of contract that has no ex...
    How to Set Up and Disable Your Fund PasswordA Fund Password is an extra layer of security to your account, which is different from the account login password. It will be required for security verification and withdrawals if the user has set up ...
    API Terms & ConditionsSchedule - Trading Application Programming Interface Agreement Acceptance of API Terms If you use our Application Programming Interface (“API”), a service available through our Site, then this A...
    FAQ — ByVotes (Spot)Bybit that lets participants support project tokens they wish to be listed on the Bybit Spot market. By casting votes for their favorite projects, participants play an active role in helping tokens ga...
    FAQ — Fiat WithdrawalBybit. You will be able to see the fiat currencies supported for fiat withdrawal on the Fiat Withdrawal page.    On the App, please go to the Assets tab and tap on Withdraw, then switch to Fiat se...
    Common Reasons and Solutions for KYC Verification FailuresBybit will send the KYC verification result via a notification email. You can check the reason for rejection from your Bybit account registered mailbox. Please do not reply to the email as it is a sys...
    Troubleshooting: Unable to Receive SMS Verification CodeStep 1: Clear your SMS inbox. A full SMS inbox will result in a failure to receive any other SMS messages.  Step 2: Restart your phone and ensure that your telco signal is of acceptable and reliable...
    Trailing Stop Orders (Perpetual and Futures Trading)Bybit provides traders with a flexible option known as Trailing Stop, which functions as an enhanced feature for Buy and Sell. It operates as a stop order that tracks the market price of an asset or p...
    FAQ — USDC OptionsBybit Options?Bybit offers European-style cash-settled Options that can only be exercised when a contract expires. There are two types of Options: Calls and Puts.Call Option — gives the buyer the ri...

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