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    Liquidation Price (USDT Contract)Liquidation refers to an event when the Mark Price reaches the liquidation price, and the position is closed at the Bankruptcy Price (0% margin price level). This also means that the Position Margin ...
    How to Get Started With a Keyless WalletA keyless Wallet is a specialized cryptocurrency wallet that leverages multi-party computation (MPC) technology. It relies on joint computation from multiple parties while masking each party’s confi...
    How to Verify the Assets in Your AccountMerkle tree is a binary, hash tree–like data structure. In a binary tree, a node can have a maximum of two child nodes — a left node and a right node. Each leaf node of the Merkle tree stores the ...
    Introduction to Volatility SkewVolatility skew is composed of different implied volatilities (IV) corresponding to different strike prices (ATM, ITM and OTM options) of the underlying asset. We connect the IV values ​​of diffe...
    Introduction to Implied Volatility (IV) In Options trading, traders are often exposed to a concept called volatility. In particular, they encounter implied volatility (IV), a term you can see on Bybit's Options Trading page. This articl...
    How to Buy Coins With Your Fiat BalanceReference price will refresh every 30 seconds. Step 4: Confirm that the details you’ve entered are correct, and then click on Confirm.    Step 5: Your transaction is complete. The coin will be ...
    How to Get Started with a Custodial Trading Subaccount (Investors)Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create and manage your Custodial Trading Subaccount on Bybit. Before linking with the trading team, please make sure that the investment agreement is negotia...
    How to Register for a Testnet Account and Request for Test CoinsBybit Testnet provides a risk-free environment for Bybit traders to test and learn, with 100% replication of the product and services on the Bybit Mainnet. When real-world money is involved, people a...
    How to Get Started with Options Trading on BybitBefore you start to trade USDC options, please ensure that you have transferred USDC to your USDC account.  Step 1: Click on Assets at the top right-hand corner of the Bybit home page. Then click US...
    How to Sell an NFT on the Bybit NFT MarketplaceHere’s a step-by-step guide to help you sell your first NFT on the Bybit NFT Marketplace. On DesktopStep 1: Click on the avatar icon in the upper right corner of the NFT trading page , then click o...