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    How to Check on Your P2P Appeal Status as a Seller?
    bybit2025-01-31 16:43:33
    On the AppOn the Website

    Once you have submitted an appeal for a P2P order, it is important to follow-up on your case and comply with the instructions given by Bybit P2P specialists in order to ensure the swift resolution of your request. Here is some key information to help resolve your P2P Appeal as a Seller.








    In accordance with Bybit Terms and Conditions, every user is required to acknowledge the following:

    • No 100% Guarantee: There is no assurance that the appeal service can recover potential asset losses. The best way to safeguard assets is by following trading instructions precisely and promptly. Bybit will not be responsible for any losses in assets resulting from a user's failure to adhere to instructions or provide the proofs on Bybit within the specified timeframe.

    • No trading via private channels: Bybit will not be responsible for any losses in assets resulting from any trades made privately outside of Bybit’s P2P Trading platform. All P2P transactions should be conducted through Bybit’s P2P Trading platform, and neither Bybit nor merchants will conduct transactions with users privately.

    • Appeal Resolution: The platform is not obligated to provide appeal resolution in your favor. It offers a mediation solution in good will but does not act as an adjudicator. Users are exempt from liabilities arising from mediation solutions.

    • Consequences of Malicious Appeals: Malicious appeals can disrupt normal platform operations and result in account suspension.

    • Accurate Information: Providing wrong information or false claims may lead to appeal rejection or penalties, including account suspension, function restrictions, or warnings.

    • Limitations on Appeals: Appeals for canceled or completed orders are not supported in P2P Hotswap or buy/sell orders on Bybit Web3. Appeals can only be submitted within five (5) calendar days after the order is closed.

    • Appeal Frequency: A single order can be appealed 3 times after cancellation or completion. No further appeal can be submitted after the P2P Appeal Team makes the final decision. A user can submit up to 10 canceled or completed order appeals per day.







    Check on Your P2P Appeal Status

    Here is the step-by-step guide on how to check your P2P Appeal Status for different order statuses:


    Step 1: Locate your current order appeal by going to P2P Trading → Orders and searching for the order status Appeal in Progress.


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    Step 2: Click on the order to open the Order Page and then go to Appeal Progress to display the Order Appeal Page. You’ll see Appeal in Progress mentioned with the Specific Appeal Status for your order.


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    Step 3: Each appeal status will require different actions from you and your counterparty. The detailed instructions will be shown below the Appeal status. Please ensure that the proof you provide meets the requirements. Always click on the Refresh button to get the latest appeal status.


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    You can also find below the different appeal status possible as well as the necessary steps you need to take as a seller.



    1. Under Negotiation
    2. Providing Proof
    3. Pending the Counterparty's Proof
    4. Under Review
    5. Under Investigation
    6. Pending to Be Processed
    7. Payment Refund Action
    8. Additional Proof Required
    9. Request for Payment Top Up
    10. Seller Is Responding
    11. Pending Your Response
    12. Pending Your Acknowledgment
    13. Pending the Counterparty’s Response
    14. Pending the Acknowledgment From the Appellant





    1. Under Negotiation

    Please communicate with your counterparty to resolve the appeal. If the dispute is resolved or a mutual agreement is reached:

    • Appellant: Click on Dispute Resolved to cancel the dispute.

    • Respondent: Click on Mutual Agreement to complete the order.




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    If time is up or your issue remains unresolved after communicating with the counterparty, click on Negotiation Failed and submit the evidence to request platform intervention. If the counterparty did not take action before the countdown time ends, the platform will intervene to investigate after the countdown time ends.


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    2. Providing Proof

    Please follow the instructions to provide the proof(s) and click on Upload proof to upload your documents BEFORE the Processing Time ends.


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    If the proof provided doesn't meet the requirements mentioned, the appeal’s resolution might not be in your favor.

    — If both parties' proofs were rejected and either parties didn't provide the document again via Upload Proof within the given processing time, the appeal will be considered as invalid and it will be canceled automatically.




    3. Pending the Counterparty's Proof

    Please wait patiently while the counterparty provides the proof requested. No action needs to be taken at this stage. Remember to always click Refresh to check the latest appeal status.


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    4. Under Review

    Please wait patiently as the P2P Specialist will review the proof provided and assist you further before the countdown timer ends.


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    5. Under Investigation

    Some cases can be complex and require additional time for thorough investigation. Kindly wait patiently during this process while we work toward a resolution.


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    6. Pending to Be Processed

    Your appeal has not yet reached the stage for further processing. A P2P Specialist will rejoin the chat once the countdown timer ends. Please wait patiently for updates and follow the instructions provided by the P2P Specialist.


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    7. Payment Refund Action

    A. Pending Buyer's refund details

    Kindly wait patiently while the buyer provides the refund details. No action needs to be taken at this stage. Remember to always click Refresh to check the latest appeal status.


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    B. Refund in progress

    Once the counterparty provides the refund details through Upload Proof, the status will change to Refund in progress


    You are requested to proceed with the refund to the previous payer. Kindly upload the refund proof by clicking on Upload Proof.


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    C. Pending Buyer's confirmation of refund receipt

    Please wait patiently while the buyer is checking if the refund has been received and the amount is correct. No action needs to be taken at this stage.


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    8. Additional Proof Required

    A. Providing additional proof

    You are requested to provide additional proof and follow the instructions given by the P2P Specialist in the order chat box. Please click on Upload Proof to upload the proof required.


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    B. Pending additional proof provided by the counterparty

    Please wait patiently while the counterparty is providing the requested proof. No action needs to be taken at this stage.


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    9. Request for Payment Top Up

    A. Pending Buyer's second payment

    Kindly wait patiently while the buyer is topping up the remaining amount. No action needs to be taken at this stage.


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    B. Seller is confirming the receipt of payment

    Kindly check your bank account and verify that the correct amount was sent. If the payment has been received, click on I've received the payment. Cancel appeal. Once the appeal has been canceled, you may proceed to the order details page and release the coin to the counterparty.


    DO NOT click the button if you didn't receive the payment or if the payment amount is incorrect. The P2P Specialist will join the chat again after the countdown timer ends.


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    10. Seller Is Responding

    Please check the message sent by the P2P Specialist in the order chat box and respond in the order chat box once you have made your decision before the countdown timer ends. Click on I've replied. Proceed. once you respond in the order chat box.


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    Note: Failure to respond within the given timeframe might lead to asset loss.




    11. Pending Your Response

    Please check the instructions and action required. You are requested to verify the situation and proceed with one of the following options to resolve the appeal. Kindly click on the specified option that matches your situation and upload the proof accordingly.


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    Note: Failure to respond within the given timeframe might lead to asset loss.




    12. Pending Your Acknowledgment

    You are required to check the resolution that the P2P Specialist proposed in the order chatbox. Please click on the Acknowledge button if you have acknowledged the resolution provided.


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    13. Pending the Counterparty’s Response

    Please wait patiently while the counterparty is responding. No action needs to be taken at this stage. Remember to always click Refresh to check the latest appeal status.


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    14. Pending the Acknowledgment From the Appellant

    Please wait patiently while the counterparty acknowledges the solution given by the P2P Specialist. If you have received the additional asset, proceed with the refund within the given timeframe to avoid account restriction. Kindly check the order chat box and verify the situation in order to provide a prompt response and resolve the appeal accordingly.


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    Reasons Why Your P2P Appeal Resolution is Delayed

    Sometimes, users are able to submit a P2P appeal for one of their orders but the case resolution is taking longer than announced due to additional verification steps. Please find below some common scenarios as well as the different steps taken that can delay the resolution of a P2P appeal:



    1. Third-Party Payment

    Third-party payment is strictly prohibited on Bybit. However, some traders still use third-party payment in P2P trading. The counterparty will then submit an appeal to cancel this order and report the violation.


    In this situation, the P2P appeal process will be as follows:


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    Bybit will not assist in completing orders that violate our Terms and Conditions. As such, we will advise users to proceed to a refund. The order will be canceled after ensuring the refund has been received.


    Considering that the refund process is time-consuming and requires cooperation from both parties, many order appeals are delayed and may remain unresolved.




    2. Deferred Payment

    Some countries, payment methods or currencies, such as NGN, EUR, GBP, UAH, and RUB, will require a longer transfer processing time than others. In such cases, a P2P appeal request can be submitted by one of the parties for non-reception of the funds while the payment is still processing on the other end.


    In this situation, the P2P appeal process will be as follows:


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    We will typically allow 3-5 days for the funds transfer to be completed.


    However, if the usual timeframe has passed, we will proceed to contact the buyer while we ask you to wait for payment processing. If you prefer not to wait any longer, we will assist in canceling the order after validating your proof of payment not received.


    If the buyer's payment is transferred successfully after the order is canceled, he can place another order with you for the same amount, or you can decide to transfer the coin to the buyer manually via the Internal Transfer function.




    3. Bank Freeze

    In many countries, personal banking accounts are prohibited for business usage and trading purposes which can lead some banks to freeze fund transfers that may be used for trading. In the scenario of one trader's bank account being frozen, a P2P appeal request can be sent to solve the issue.


    In this situation, the P2P appeal process will be as follows:


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    Bybit, as a trading platform, does not have any business relationship with the payment method providers displayed on the site. Thus, you need to consult your bank and inform us whether you still wish to proceed with the transaction. If you decide to proceed, the order will be completed. If you decide to cancel the order, we will assist in the refund process. Please note that if a trader’s bank account is frozen, the refund might be delayed or put on hold, leading to a longer processing time as the refund can only be processed after unfreezing the bank account.




    4. Scam

    Crypto Scams have increased due to their lucrative values and it can happen when doing a P2P trade.


    Two types of scams can be identified:

    • General fraud techniques, like impersonating Bybit Support or providing fake proof,

    • Complex fraud techniques, like the triangle scam or the Man-in-the-Middle Scam explained here.


    If a user believes he has fallen prey to a P2P scam, he can submit a P2P appeal request. In this situation, the P2P appeal process will be as follows:


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    The handling time and process will depend on the amount of evidence provided to prove the act of scam. For general fraud techniques, we can make the judgment almost immediately and take action against the scammer right away. For complex fraud techniques, we will be getting solid evidence within our platform but also from other sources. Depending on the information gathered, the investigation time can be shortened effectively.


    However, in case not enough evidence is found, it will be more difficult to provide an appeal resolution. As such, please make sure to follow the advice indicated in this article to avoid falling prey to a P2P crypto scam.

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