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    FAQ — Gold & FX Bonanza Credits Program
    bybit2025-02-13 04:05:56

    What is the duration of the Gold & FX Bonanza Credits Program?

    The Gold & FX Bonanza Credits Program period is from 12AM (midnight) UTC, Feb 12, 2025 to 11:59PM UTC, Mar 12, 2025.




    Who is eligible to join the Gold & FX Bonanza Credits Program?

    Only users who activate their Gold & FX (Bybit MT5) Account during the event period (i.e., Feb 12, 2025 – Mar 12, 2025) and make deposits into the MT5 Account within the event period after activating the Gold & FX (Bybit MT5) Account. Additionally, this event is exclusive to Bybit users who have completed at least Standard Identity Verification with Bybit using Japanese identification documents.


    Note: The Gold & FX Bonanza Credits Program is unavailable for institutional users and market makers. Bybit can disqualify participants from the program if their MT5 Account registration data matches another user's information.




    What rewards are offered for participating in the Gold & FX Bonanza Credits Program?

    There are four (4) types of rewards available:

    • 70 USDT Welcome Credits: Users who activate a Gold & FX (MT5) Account during the event period can receive 70 USDT credits (limited to the first 1,000 new users).

    • 100% First Deposit: Users who activate Gold & FX (MT5) Account during the event period and make their first deposit to their MT5 Account can receive credits equivalent to 100% of their deposit amount, up to a maximum of 300 USDT.

    • 50% Second Deposit: Users who activate Gold & FX (MT5) Account during the event period and make their second deposit to their MT5 Account can receive credits equivalent to 50% of their deposit amount, up to a maximum of 1,000 USDT.

    • 20% Third Deposit and Beyond: Users who activate Gold & FX (MT5) Account during the event period and make their third deposit or any subsequent deposits will receive credits equivalent to 20% of their deposit amount, up to a maximum of 8,730 USDT.


    Note: Gold & FX Copy Trading (either a Master Trader or Follower) is not eligible for this event.




    What are the requirements for getting rewards from the Gold & FX Bonanza Credit Program?

    To get the rewards for this event, you need to meet the requirements for each corresponding reward type:


    Reward Type


    70 USDT Welcome Credit

    This reward is available to the first 1,000 users who activate a Gold & FX (MT5) Account during the event period.


    To qualify for the 100%, 50%, or 20% deposit credit, deposits must be made to the Gold & FX (MT5) Account within one hour to the end of the event period after activation. Deposits made outside this timeframe will not be eligible for the credit program, including the welcome credit.

    100% First Deposit

    This reward is available to users who activate a Gold & FX (MT5 Account) during the event period. Only deposits made to the Gold & FX (MT5 Account) within one hour to the end of the event period after activation are eligible for the reward. 

    50% Second Deposit

    20% Third Deposit Onwards




    When and where will the credits be credited?

    The Welcome Credit will be credited to your MT5 Account within 1 hour after fulfilling the requirements. It will be displayed as "Credit" within the MT5 Account. The subsequent credits for First Deposit, Second Deposit, and Third Deposit will be credited immediately after deposits. Please note that any deposits must be made within one hour to the end of the event period after activation.




    Can I deposit funds into my MT5 Account during the 1-hour waiting period?

    No, any deposits made into the MT5 Account during the 1-hour waiting period will make you ineligible for the credit program, including the Welcome Credit. Please ensure that all deposits are made only after the 1-hour waiting period.




    Why haven't I received my Welcome Credits after waiting for an hour?

    This may be because the Welcome Credit capacity has already been reached, meaning the 1,000-user limit has been exceeded. In this case, please check the Market Watch in your MT5 Account to see if USDT Perpetual contracts are available. If they are no longer listed, it indicates that the credit system has been successfully applied to your MT5 Account. You can then proceed to deposit funds into MT5 and become eligible for the 100%, 50%, and 20% credits, respectively.




    What are the credits used for?

    The credits can only be used in Gold & FX Trading within Bybit MT5 as a trading margin, and/or pay for commission and swaps once your deposited funds have been depleted. Please note that any commission, swap, or trading loss will be deducted from your deposited funds first, and only after they have been used up will they be deducted from the credit amount.




    Is there a limitation on which contracts I can trade when I have active credits?

    Yes, users will not be able to trade USDT Perpetual contracts while having active credits. However, all other contracts are still available for trade.




    How can I claim the 70 USDT credit?

    Step 1: Sign up for a Bybit account

    Step 2: Complete Standard Identity Verification

    Step 3: Activate your MT5 Account, and the 70 USDT credit will be processed into your MT5 Account within one (1) hour.




    How to maximize the credits program?

    Since the credit categories are based on the number of deposits made, users may consider the following method.



    Deposit Amount (USDT)

    Eligible Credit Type

    Credit Received


    Maximum Credit Amount (USDT)

    Users who activate Gold & FX (MT5) Account during the event period (only eligible for first 1,000 new user activations of MT5 Account)

    70 (welcome credit)


    1st Deposit





    2nd Deposit





    3rd Deposit











    Important Note: For the 20% Third Deposit and Beyond, users can continue to make their fourth, fifth, and sixth deposits, and so on, and will be eligible for the 20% credit, but the total credit is capped at a maximum of 8,730 USDT. 


    Is there a minimum deposit required to be eligible for the credits?

    Yes, the minimum deposit amount is 1 USDT each time a deposit is made.




    Can I withdraw the credits?

    No, the credit cannot be withdrawn or transferred. However, users can withdraw the profits earned from trading with the credits. 




    Will my credits be forfeited if I make withdrawals from the Gold & FX (MT5) Account?

    For users who had not made any deposit before they made withdrawals from the MT5 Account (e.g., the 70 USDT Welcome Credit), the entire credit will be forfeited. If you have made deposits, any withdrawal or transfer will result in a proportional reduction of your credit.




    What is the credit validity period?

    Credits do not have an expiration date. However, they can be revoked under certain circumstances:

    • Withdrawals: Credits will be deducted proportionally during withdrawals.

    • Policy Violation: If risk control detects any violations, credits may be revoked.

    • Account Liquidation: Credits will be forfeited if the account is liquidated.




    What happens if I withdraw my funds from my MT5 Account during the event period?

    When a withdrawal is made, the system will deduct the credit amount based on the following deduction rules:


    MT5 Credit Deduction Calculation Based on Withdrawal Amount Ratio:


    The deduction is calculated as: Min(Withdrawal Amount / Net Deposit Amount, 100%) × Credit Amount


    Example 1:

    • If a user deposits 500 USDT, receives 500 USDT in credits, gains a profit of 50 USDT from trading, and makes a withdrawal of 100 USDT, the credit deduction will be calculated as:

      • Min (100 / 500, 100%) x 500 = (100 / 500) x 500 = 100 USDT

      • After the withdrawal of 100 USDT is made, the system will deduct 100 USDT worth of credits from the user's MT5 Account


    Example 2:

    • If the user receives the 70 USDT sign-up credit, profits from trading with the credit, and then makes a withdrawal, without making any deposit, the system will deduct all credits received since there was no deposit made.




    Will I still receive the credit if I re-deposit funds into my MT5 Account after a withdrawal during the event period?

    Yes, but only for the next available deposit credit tier. Each deposit is counted in sequence, regardless of withdrawals. If you withdraw funds after receiving credit, the corresponding credit will be removed based on the formula. However, when you re-deposit during the event period, it will count as your next deposit, making you eligible for the corresponding Second Deposit Credit (50%) or Third Deposit Credit (20%).





    Deposit Amount (USDT)

    Credit Amount (USDT)

    Credit Removed (USDT)

    1) Deposit 100 USDT (First deposit, eligible for 100% credit)




    2) Withdraw 100 USDT



    Calculated according to this formula:

    = Min(Withdrawal Amount / Net Deposit Amount, 100%) × Credit Amount

    = Min(100 / 100, 100%) × 100

    = 100 USDT Credit Removed

    3) Deposit 500 USDT (Now considered the second deposit, eligible for 50% credit)





    From the above table, it can be seen that:

    1. The user deposited 100 USDT into their MT5 Account. This will be considered the first deposit and eligible for 100% credit. The user's MT5 Account will increase by 100 USDT in real funds and 100 USDT in credits.

    2. The user withdraws 100 USDT. This will result in the forfeit of the 100 USDT credits calculated by the formula seen. Leaving the user with 0 USDT free margin.

    3. The user deposits 500 USDT into their MT5 Account. This is now considered the second deposit and therefore is only eligible for the 50% second deposit credit. The user will receive 250 USDT in credits.




    What calculation is used to determine the withdrawal amount?

    • If users have no open positions in their MT5 Accounts, the amount they can withdraw is: Equity − Credit.

    • If users have open positions in their MT5 Accounts, they can only withdraw according to this formula:

      • Max[Min(Free Margin − Credit, Balance), 0], withdrawal will not cause liquidation.

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