Here's a step-by-step guide to leading your first Gold&FX trade on Bybit.
- Become a Gold&FX Master Trader
- Initiate a Gold&FX Trade
- Transfer or Withdraw Assets
- View Your Positions
- Edit Your Personal Settings
Become a Gold&FX Master Trader
For detailed instructions on how to become a Copy Trading Gold&FX Master Trader and set up your MT5 Account for Copy Trading, please refer to this article.
Please note that your application may be rejected for reasons including, but not limited to:
You're applying with your Main Account.
Your account has not completed Individual or Business Identity Verification.
There are open Gold&FX orders under your account.
There are open Copy Trading Gold&FX orders under your account.
Your account is subject to compliance or trading restrictions.
Your account is already a Copy Trading Pro Master Trader Subaccount. If you wish to lead trades with multiple accounts for higher earnings, please try again with a different Subaccount.
Initiate a Gold&FX Trade
Step 1: Once you've become a Gold&FX Master Trader and set up your MT5 Account, log in to your Gold&FX Master Trader Subaccount on the Gold&FX Trading page.
Step 2: Click View My Dashboard to view your MT5 Account details.
Step 3: Open the MT5 platform and click File → Login to Trade Account.
Step 4: Enter the account ID, password, and server name from Step 2, then click OK. You're now ready to initiate Gold&FX copy trades!
Note: Gold&FX trading is unavailable on weekends, international public holidays, and during system maintenance. A notification will be displayed on the Copy Trading Gold&FX homepage during these times. Certain trading pairs may also be temporarily unavailable during trading hours.
Transfer or Withdraw Assets
Transfer Assets to Your MT5 Account
Step 1: Navigate to your MT5 asset page and click Transfer In in the top-right corner to start the transfer.
Step 2: Enter the amount of USDT you'd like to transfer to your MT5 Account, or click All to transfer your full balance from your Funding Account. Once you're ready, click Confirm.
Alternatively, you can go to your MT5 Dashboard and click Transfer to make the transfer.
Your funds have now been successfully transferred to your MT5 Account!
Note: Any transfers to the MT5 Account can only be done via the Funding Account. Make sure to deposit or transfer your USDT to your Funding Account first.
Withdraw Assets From Your MT5 Account
Step 1: Navigate to your MT5 asset page and click Transfer Out to start the withdrawal process.
Step 2: Enter the amount of USDT you'd like to transfer out of your MT5 Account, or click All to transfer your full balance to your Funding Account. Once you're ready, click Confirm.
Your funds have now been successfully transferred back to your Funding Account!
View Your Positions
Step 1: To view your lead trades, click My Gold&FX Lead Trades on the Copy Trading Gold&FX page to access your user center.
Step 2: In the Account Overview tab, you'll find the following details:
Parameter |
Explanation |
Equity |
The total value of your account, including both realized profits/losses and current holdings. |
Unrealized P&L |
The profit or loss from open positions that have not yet been closed or realized. |
The percentage of net equity growth over a specific period. You can view your ROE for 7, 30, and 90 days. A higher ROE indicates a more profitable strategy. |
Realized Profit Sharing |
Your share of the realized profit of the Followers when the copy trades are closed, updated weekly. |
Current Follower(s) |
The number of Followers who are currently following you. |
Cumulative Follower(s) |
The number of Followers who have followed you at least once since you've become a Gold&FX Master Trader. |
— Each Copy Trading Gold&FX Master Trader Subaccount can have up to 300 Followers at a time. If needed, you can lead trades using multiple Master Trader Subaccounts.
— Profit shares are distributed every Sunday at 12AM (midnight) (MT5 time, UTC+2 or UTC+3), or when a Follower unfollows the Master Trader. The distribution follows the High Water Mark (HWM) principle. For more information, please refer to Copy Trading Gold&FX: Profit Sharing Explained.
Step 3: In the My Followers tab, you can view more detailed information about your Followers, including their UID, profit shared, equity, P&L, trading days, and more.
Edit Your Personal Settings
Step 1: To edit your settings, click My Gold&FX Lead Trades on the Copy Trading Gold&FX page to enter your user center.
Step 2: Click Edit Profile next to your personal picture to open the Personal Setting page.
Account Info: Click the buttons on the right to update your profile picture, nickname, bio, and social account. Please note that the social account is only used by Bybit to contact you and will not be shared with other users.
Follower Settings: Adjust your Minimum Investment and Profit Sharing Ratio.
Minimum Investment: The minimum amount your Followers can invest, which is set to 100 USDT by default. You can increase this amount if needed.
Profit Sharing Ratio: The percentage of your Followers' cumulative net profits that you earn. You can set the ratio up to 15%.
For a comprehensive overview of your account, including overall performance, statistics, and trade details, click on My Profile in the top-right corner.
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