Before you start Paradigm API trading, please make sure your account meets the following requirements:
Complete KYC verification for your business on Bybit. For assistance, please contact your institutional manager or email us at institutional_services@bybit.com.
Enable Google 2FA.
Create Your API Key
Mainnet account settings URL: https://www.bybit.com/app/x-user/api-management
Testnet account settings URL: https://testnet.bybit.com/app/x-user/api-management
Step 1: Click on the link above to enter your Bybit account's API Management page. Perform a login if prompted.
Alternatively, you can manually navigate to the API Management page by following the two steps below:
a. Click the profile icon in the upper right corner of any Bybit page and select Account & Security from the drop-down menu.
b. Select API management.
Step 2: Click on Create New Key.
Step 3: Create an API key by setting the following parameters:
API Key Usage: Select Connect to Third-Party Applications.
Application Name: Paradigm.
API Key Permissions: Tick Block Trade and set it according to your preference.
Then, Click on Submit.
Step 4: Please read the Disclaimer carefully and click on Confirm.
Step 5: Enter the 6-digit Google 2FA Code and click on Confirm.
Step 6: Please make sure the information you’ve entered is correct, then click on Understood.
Congratulations! Your API key has been successfully added.
Step 7: Log in to your Paradigm Admin Dashboard to configure Bybit Account and API Key. For more information, please visit here.
If you don't have a Paradigm account, here's a tip on how to create one:
Fill out the application on Paradigm to request access.
Register for an account on Paradigm with the registration code sent to you via email.
Once the setup is completed, you may use the Paradigm app to send RFQs, receive quotes and execute trades.
View Your Block Trades History
After executing a trade on Paradigm, you’ll be able to view your trade details by clicking on Orders —> Spot Order or Derivatives Order in the upper right corner of the Bybit page.
Spot Trading
Click on Block Trade under Spot. You can click on Current Orders, Order History and
Trade History for more details.
Here’s a tip: You can find orders more easily by filtering the following parameters:
Spot Pairs
Order Status
Order Time
Derivatives Trading
All Inverse Contracts and USDT perpetual: Click on Order History or Trade History under Derivatives. Then, select Inverse Perpetual, USDT Perpetual or Inverse Futures to view the details of the corresponding contract.
USDC Perpetual and USDC Options: Click on USDC Derivatives. Next, select BTC-PERP or BTC-Options to view more information.