    How to Get Started With Spot Grid Bot on Bybit (Website)
    bybit2025-03-16 15:11:31

    Here’s a step-by-step guide that will walk you through the process of creating your first Spot Grid Bot on Bybit.



    Create a Spot Grid Bot

    Step 1: Please click on Trade Trading Bot in the navigation bar to enter the Bybit Trading Bot page. 




    Alternatively, on the Spot Trading page, navigate to the order zone on the right side and select Tools → Spot Grid Bot.




    Step 2: Create your Spot Grid Bot by clicking on Create Now to go to the Create Spot Grid Bot page.




    If you've previously created Bybit trading bots, you can view the Total Equity (USDT) and Current P&L (USDT) under My Bots in the upper right corner of the Bybit Trading Bot page.



    Step 3: You have two (2) options for creating Spot Grid Bots.


    1. Manual





    Select Spot pair

    Price Range

    Set lower and upper price bounds. The grid bot will only operate within the price range. If the market price falls outside this range, no new order will be placed by the grid bot.

    No. of Grids

    Enter the number of grids. The higher the number of grids, the smaller the price intervals. This means that in a volatile market, your orders may be filled more frequently, but your profits would be lower, due to multiple trading fees.

    Total Investment

    Enter the amount to invest, you can invest by quote token, base token, or a combination of both.

    Please note that you need to have the assets in your Funding Account to create a bot. 

    Advanced Settings (Optional)

    Trailing Stop: The Trailing Stop automatically adjusts your exit point based on your account's highest recorded equity. For example, if your equity fluctuates between 500, 450, 600, 900, 800, 1,000, and 800 at different points throughout the week, and you set a 20% retracement rate, your exit equity will be 400, 400, 480, 720, 720, 800, and 800, respectively. Please note that due to slippage, your final account equity may differ from the exit equity. 

    Entry Price: Set the entry price to create a Spot Grid Bot at a specific price level. If you do not set an entry price, the bot will automatically buy the coins at the current market price.

    Stop-Loss Price: When the market price of the coin reaches the Stop-Loss price, the bot will be terminated and automatically sell the base token into USDT at the predetermined level to limit your losses.

    Take-Profit Price: When the market price of the coin reaches the Take-Profit price, the bot will be terminated and automatically sell the base token into USDT at the predetermined level to lock in your profits.



    — The base token is the basic unit of a trading pair. Taking BTC/USDT as an example, the base token — BTC — is the asset that you're buying or selling.

    — The entry price must not be lower than 30% of the current market price, or higher than 100% of the market price. Otherwise, the order cannot be placed.

    — The Take-Profit price must be greater than the entry price and the upper price limit.

    — The Stop-Loss price must be lower than the entry price and the lower price limit.

    — When the market price reaches the entry price, the grid bot will buy at the optimal price to ensure that the Spot Grid Bot is executed correctly.


    2.  AI Strategy

    By using AI Strategy, the system will suggest the parameters based on the historical data performance of the Spot trading pair. Alternatively, you can also refer to the suggestion from Aurora’s Picks to create a Spot Grid Bot based on your preferences. 


    Then, click on Create Now




    Step 4: Please double-check the grid bot information you’ve created, and then click on Confirm to start trading.




    Your Spot Grid Bot has been successfully created!




    View Your Spot Grid Bot

    After you click on Confirm, the page will automatically redirect to My Bots for you to view your active grid bots.




    You can click on Details in the upper right corner of the grid bot you wish to view to explore more information, including the current status of your Spot Grid Bot, current orders under the Positions tab, and your order history.



    Please note that the calculation formulas for Total P&L and current P&L are as follows:

    • Total P&L = Realized P&L from Grid Profits + Unrealized P&L from Base Token Value

    • Current P&L = Realized Grid Profits + Unrealized P&L − Cumulative Withdrawn Grid Profits

    To learn more about profit and loss calculations, please refer to P&L Calculations (Spot Grid Bot).

    Alternatively, simply go to the Trading Bot page and click on View My Bots.





    Modify Spot Grid Bot Parameters

    You have the flexibility to adjust parameters such as Price Range, Grids, Take Profit, and Stop Loss once your Spot Grid Bot is created.


    Step 1: Go to your Spot Grid Bot Details page and click on Modify.



    Step 2: Modify your Price Range, Grids, or TP/SL. Additional investment amounts or a modified buy or sell quantity of the base token may be required to meet the new parameters.




    — The current modification parameters do not support independently changing Take Profit and Stop Loss settings. You must modify either the grid number or price range to adjust take-profit and stop-loss.

    — Modifying parameters will cancel the previous Take Profit and Stop Loss settings. You can reconfigure your take-profit and stop-loss when modifying parameters.

    — Please ensure you have sufficient funds in your Funding Account if additional investment amounts are required to meet the adjusted parameters for your bot.


    Step 3: Check your modified parameters and click on Confirm.


    You have successfully modified your Spot Grid Bot parameters! 




    Withdraw Spot Grid Bot Profits

    To withdraw your Spot Grid Bot profits, go to your Bots Details and click on Withdraw.




    The maximum amount that can be withdrawn is your grid profit after the fee deduction. You can refer to the Max. Withdrawal Amount displayed on the withdrawal window. The withdrawn amount will be credited to your Funding Account. 





    Terminate Your Spot Grid Bot

    To terminate your Spot Grid Bot, go to your Spot Grid Bot Details page and click on Terminate.




    Once the bot is terminated, all pending orders will be canceled, and your funds will be returned to your Funding Account. 


    You can terminate your bot using one (1) of three methods:

    1. In Quote Token: All of your base tokens will be converted into quote tokens at the market price. 

    2. In Quote + Base Token: You will receive the existing held base and quote tokens. 

    3. In Base Token: All of your quote tokens will be converted into base tokens at the market price.



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