Convert ALT to JPY

Alitas to Japanese Yen

bybit ups

Last updated: Sep 20, 2024, 01:00:00

ALT/JPY conversion chart

Today, the exchange rate of Alitas (ALT) to Japanese Yen (JPY) stands at ¥15.228188141018098 JPY, experiencing a +24.74% increase in the last 24 hours. Over the past week, the value of Alitas has increase by +34.27%. In the last 30 days, Alitas has been on a upward trend, with a increase of +13.93%.

Market Statistics

Market Cap
24H Volume
Circulating Supply
Max Supply


24h Low¥12.070065532623694
24h High¥17.084902244420398
*The following data shows eth market information
All-time high ¥ 14,101.51
All-time low¥ 9.84
Market Cap --
Circulating Supply --
Read More (Token to Fiat):Alitas (ALT)

The current exchange rate of Alitas (ALT) to Japanese Yen (JPY) is ¥15.228188141018098. It has increase by +24.74% in the past 24 hours and has seen a increase of +34.27% over the last week.

Alitas all-time high peak price reached ¥14,101.51, with its circulating supply at -- ALT out of a maximum total supply of -- ALT. The fully diluted market value of Alitas is ¥15.46B. The price of Alitas in JPY is always updating in real-time, stay up-to-date with the latest Alitas to JPY rates, and use our tool to convert a range of popular cryptocurrencies into the Japanese Yen effortlessly.

Convert ALT to JPY

15.228188141018098 JPY
76.14094070509049 JPY
10 ALT
152.28188141018098 JPY
20 ALT
304.56376282036196 JPY
50 ALT
761.4094070509049 JPY
100 ALT
1,522.8188141018098 JPY
1,000 ALT
15,228.188141018098 JPY

Convert JPY to ALT

15.228188141018098 JPY
76.14094070509049 JPY
152.28188141018098 JPY
10 ALT
304.56376282036196 JPY
20 ALT
761.4094070509049 JPY
50 ALT
1,522.8188141018098 JPY
100 ALT
15,228.188141018098 JPY
1,000 ALT


What's the current exchange rate for 1 ALT in JPY?

As of today, 1 ALT is equivalent to ¥15.228188141018098 JPY.

What has been the 24-hour fluctuation in the ALT to JPY rate?

Over the last 24 hours, the exchange rate for ALT to JPY experienced a increase of +24.74%.

What is the total number of Alitas available?

The circulating supply of Alitas stands at -- ALT, with a total maximum supply capped at -- ALT.

Where can I find resources to learn about trading?

For those looking to expand their trading knowledge, Bybit Learn provides free access to basic trading strategies and tips for using our platform more effectively. Our demo trading program is also available for newcomers to practice trading without financial risk.