Convert SQR to UAH

Magic Square to Ukrainian Hryvnia

bybit ups

Last updated: Eyl 20, 2024, 02:00:00

SQR/UAH conversion chart

Today, the exchange rate of Magic Square (SQR) to Ukrainian Hryvnia (UAH) stands at ₴2.2805903603497653 UAH, experiencing a +9.89% increase in the last 24 hours. Over the past week, the value of Magic Square has increase by +9.22%. In the last 30 days, Magic Square has been on a downward trend, with a decrease of -29.93%.

Market Statistics

Market Cap
24H Volume
Circulating Supply
Max Supply


24h Low2.0753745398856434
24h High2.777668681029527
*The following data shows eth market information
All-time high 29.33
All-time low 1.98
Market Cap 203.49M
Circulating Supply 89.05M
Read More (Token to Fiat):Magic Square (SQR)

The current exchange rate of Magic Square (SQR) to Ukrainian Hryvnia (UAH) is ₴2.2805903603497653. It has increase by +9.89% in the past 24 hours and has seen a increase of +9.22% over the last week.

Magic Square all-time high peak price reached ₴29.33, with its circulating supply at 89.05M SQR out of a maximum total supply of 1.00B SQR. The fully diluted market value of Magic Square is ₴2.29B. The price of Magic Square in UAH is always updating in real-time, stay up-to-date with the latest Magic Square to UAH rates, and use our tool to convert a range of popular cryptocurrencies into the Ukrainian Hryvnia effortlessly.

Convert SQR to UAH

Magic SquareSQR
2.2805903603497653 UAH
11.4029518017488265 UAH
10 SQR
22.805903603497653 UAH
20 SQR
45.611807206995306 UAH
50 SQR
114.029518017488265 UAH
100 SQR
228.05903603497653 UAH
1,000 SQR
2,280.5903603497653 UAH

Convert UAH to SQR

Magic SquareSQR
2.2805903603497653 UAH
11.4029518017488265 UAH
22.805903603497653 UAH
10 SQR
45.611807206995306 UAH
20 SQR
114.029518017488265 UAH
50 SQR
228.05903603497653 UAH
100 SQR
2,280.5903603497653 UAH
1,000 SQR


What's the current exchange rate for 1 SQR in UAH?

As of today, 1 SQR is equivalent to ₴2.2805903603497653 UAH.

What has been the 24-hour fluctuation in the SQR to UAH rate?

Over the last 24 hours, the exchange rate for SQR to UAH experienced a increase of +9.89%.

What is the total number of Magic Square available?

The circulating supply of Magic Square stands at 89.05M SQR, with a total maximum supply capped at 1.00B SQR.

Where can I find resources to learn about trading?

For those looking to expand their trading knowledge, Bybit Learn provides free access to basic trading strategies and tips for using our platform more effectively. Our demo trading program is also available for newcomers to practice trading without financial risk.