    FAQ — Bybit Savings
    bybit2024-11-25 14:58:09




    Bybit Savings

    What is Bybit Savings?

    Bybit Savings is an investment product on Bybit Earn that offers both flexible and fixed product terms with competitive and guaranteed APRs. The product supports BTC, ETH, USDT and other popular coins. 

    What are flexible and fixed term products?

    Flexible Term Products: Your hourly yield depends on the type and number of coins you've staked. Once staked, your hourly yield will be automatically calculated and distributed to your account at 12:30AM UTC the next day. Please note that the APR varies based on the coin type and market conditions. You can unstake your staked assets anytime. 


    Fixed Term Products: The staking period and APR are fixed when you purchase a product plan. Both the principal and the yield will be automatically distributed to your Funding Account on the yield distribution date.

    Will there be any other fees?

    No. The management fee charged by Bybit is already reflected in the APR.




    How is APR determined?

    The estimated APR displayed is an estimated floating rate of return calculated based on the loan conditions. This can be affected by several factors such as the Loan-to-Pool Ratio, the different interest rates offered to different groups of borrowers, and the number of borrowers having an interest-free lending quota that does not incur any interest cost.


    Please note that the APR is estimated and does not represent the actual APR you will receive in the next hour. You can click on the APR to view the last 24-hour APR change.


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    Will I be notified of APR adjustments for flexible-term products during the staking period?

    Currently, users will not receive adjustment notifications. The APR changes with market conditions.




    What is the Savings APR Tier?

    The Savings APR Tiers introduce different interest rates based on the amount of coins you are staking in the flexible plan. The interest rate offered will change for each tier, according to the market condition. You can find the detailed APR rates by moving your mouse over the tier rate box on your desktop or by clicking on the inquiry dot icon next to the tier rate mentioned in your Bybit App. Please note that for Flexible Savings, you may see platform rewards plus a basic APR. The basic APR is floating and will be calculated hourly.


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    Is Identity Verification required for Bybit Savings?

    Yes. Users will need to complete individual Identity Verification Lv. 1 or Business KYC in order to purchase Bybit Savings. Please click here to complete Identity Verification.




    Can I purchase Bybit Savings products using subaccounts?

    Yes, you can purchase flexible and fixed-term products using subaccounts.

    Which type of account do I need to use for Bybit Savings?

    You have the option to utilize assets from your Unified Trading Account or Funding Account for staking. Additionally, you can transfer the unstaked assets to any of these accounts. 


    Please note that the yield will always be distributed to the Funding Account regardless of the account you use for staking or unstaking. For example, you have unstaked your assets to Unified Trading Account. The principal will be credited back to the Unified Trading Account while the yield generated from the unstaked principal will be credited to the Funding Account,

    What are the Exclusive Offers and VIP Special Offers?

    Exclusive Offers include but are not limited to:

    • Special events, such as high APR on popular Spot trading pairs
    • Local campaign offers for users in specific countries/regions


    VIP Special Offers are only available for purchase by VIP 1 users and above.


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    Are there any staking amount limits?

    Yes. You can view the minimum and maximum amount limit from the order zone. Please note that your current staking amount cannot exceed the maximum limit.


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    What is the effective staking amount?

    The effective staking amount refers to the number of coins you’ve staked that are currently being calculated for yield. After subscription, yield on your Savings Assets will start accruing from the next hour and will be distributed to your Funding Account on a daily basis at UTC+0:30. Assuming that you’ve staked 20,000 USDT at 10AM UTC on June 1, your effective staking amount will be updated to 20,000 USDT, one hour after that, at 11AM UTC on June 1.

    How do I calculate my daily yield?

    Let's take a look at calculating yields for flexible and fixed-term products.


    Flexible Term Products


    Your hourly yield = the number of coins you've staked × (APR for the staked coin/365/24)



    Let’s say that Alice stakes 20,000 USDT on June 1 (T day) at 9AM UTC, and the estimated APR for USDT is 9%. 

    • Starting from 10AM UTC on June 1, calculations for Alice’s hourly yield will begin automatically and will be rounded to the nearest integer. 
    • At 11AM UTC, the first hourly interest (0.2054 USDT) is accrued and the accumulated yield accrued for the day will be credited to Alice’s Funding Account at 12:30 AM (midnight) UTC on June 2 (T+1 day), assuming that Alice doesn’t unstake her staked assets before this time.


    If for example, Alice partially unstakes 10,000 USDT at 3:30 PM UTC, Alice will receive the 10,000 USDT principal along with the yield accrued from 9AM to 3PM from the unstaked 10,000 USDT. In this case, the yield accrued is 1.0273 USDT. However, the yield (0.9246 USDT) generated from the still-staked 10,000 USDT  (10,000 x 9% / 365 / 24 *9) will still be auto deposited into her Funding Account at 12:30 AM (midnight) UTC on June 2.


    Fixed Term Products


    Your Total Yield = the number of coins you've staked × (APR for the staked coin/365) × staking period



    Let’s say that Alice stakes 20,000 USDT on June 1 for a fixed term of seven days, and the estimated APR for USDT is 9%. Starting at 12AM (midnight) UTC on June 2,  calculations for Alice’s daily yield will begin automatically — rounded to the nearest integer. When the fixed term product ends at 12:30 AM (midnight) UTC on June 9, 34.52 USDT (20,000 x 9% / 365 x 7) will be auto deposited to her Funding Account, along with the principal of 20,000 USDT.

    How does the APR tier rate affect my yield?

    The formula for the daily yield will remain the same as the one mentioned above for flexible staking. Only the APR rate will change according to the amount of funds staked.



    The APR level rates for USDT are as follows:


    Tier 1 APR≤ 500 USDT12.00%
    Tier 2 APR500 - 1000 USDT0.70%
    Tier 3 APR> 1000 USDT0.28%


    Let’s suppose Alice stakes 10,000 USDT at 2PM UTC on T-day. Starting at 3PM UTC on T day, the calculation of Alice’s hourly yield will begin automatically, rounded to the nearest integer.


    After 12:30 AM (midnight) UTC on T+1 day, 0.243 USDT [(500 USDT x 12% / 365) + (500 USDT x 0.7% / 365) + (9,000 USDT x 0.28% / 365)] will be auto deposited to her Funding Account, assuming that Alice doesn’t unstake her assets before this time.

    When will my yield be calculated and deposited to my account?

    Flexible Term Products:

    Calculations for your yield will start the next hour after you’ve staked the coins, and accrued hourly. The accrued yield will be deposited daily to your Funding Account at 12:30 AM (midnight) UTC one day after the calculation period starts (T+1). It may take up to five minutes for the yield to be credited to your Account.

    Please note that no yield will be generated to your unstaked asset and any asset that is unstaked on the exact hour may have the risk of not receiving the yield for that specific hour.


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    Fixed Term Products:

    Calculations for your yield will start on the next day (T+1) after you’ve staked the coins, and will be deposited in total to your Funding Account at 12:30 AM UTC on the yield distribution date.

    Can I compound my yield?

    Flexible Term Products: It is possible to automatically reinvest the yield received in Flexible Savings by activating the Auto-Savings option under your plan information. However, it is still subject to the minimum stake amount. You can find more information below.



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    Fixed Term Products: Currently, compounding is not supported in Fixed Term Products. As fixed term yield will not be automatically reinvested to generate additional yield, you must manually make a new stake for Bybit Savings.


    Note: To make a new stake, the minimum stake amount must be fulfilled.




    Will re-staking of my yield be regarded as a new stake order?

    Flexible Term Products: No. It will be combined with existing stake coins. The stake amount cannot exceed the maximum limit.


    Fixed Term Products: This will be considered a new stake order. Please note that the minimum stake amount must be fulfilled.




    Am I guaranteed to obtain my yield even if the crypto asset’s market value decreases?

    The yield received by users will be determined according to APR, which varies based on market conditions. However, users who purchase fixed term products will receive a fixed APR.




    When can I unstake the coins I've staked?

    Flexible Term Products: Your staked coins can be unstaked anytime. They will immediately be auto credited to your Funding or UTA/Spot Account once they’re unstaked. To unstake, please head to Flexible Savings in Earn Account under Orders & Trade.


    Fixed Term Products: You cannot unstake your staked coins once the product plan is effective. Your principal and yield will be credited into your Funding or UTA/Spot Account on the yield distribution date. 

    Can I partially unstake my assets?

    Flexible Term Products: Yes, the unstaked principal and the yield accrued up to the point you unstake will be credited back to your account. If the stake amount is lower than the minimum amount after partial unstaking, the remaining coins can still be staked to earn yield. 


    Fixed Term Products: You cannot unstake your staked coins once the product plan is effective.




    Can I stake more assets if the plan I initially staked is sold out?

    No. You are unable to stake more assets if the plan is sold out. However, it will be available again, and there will be more capacity for traders to stake their assets if someone withdraws from the savings pool.


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    Will I continue to receive the yield if the savings plan I’ve staked is sold out?

    Yes. You will still receive the yield based on your staked assets until the plan expires.


    What is Auto-Savings?

    Auto-Savings is a feature that lets you automatically invest your idle assets into Flexible Savings products on Bybit. When you enable this feature, idle assets of your specified coins will automatically be invested into Bybit Flexible Savings at 10AM UTC daily. After the asset is staked, it works similarly to Flexible Savings where you can earn yields and have the flexibility to redeem your assets whenever you need to.

    What coins are supported on Auto-Savings?

    You can click here to check the supported coins as well as their corresponding Auto-Savings Limits.

    What's the Auto-Savings limit?

    Once your Total Investment reaches the Auto-Saving Limit, no additional investments of the corresponding coins will be made automatically from your Funding Account into Flexible Savings. After reaching the Auto-Saving Limit, you can still manually increase your investment in Flexible Savings until your maximum stake limit. Your Total Investment amount includes both the amount invested via Auto-Savings as well as any manually invested amounts.

    How to enable/disable Auto-Savings?

    You can go to the Bybit Savings page and click on Enable Now to activate Auto-Savings.


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    What does Manage All Coins do for Auto-Savings?

    With Manage All Coins on, you can enable or disable Auto-Savings for all coin types, and newly supported coin types will automatically be included. With this option toggled off, you will be able to manage Auto-Savings statuses for each individual coin type.

    Where can I check my subscription records?

    Detailed subscription/redemption records are available in your Funding Account under Orders → Earn Order → Bybit Savings → Flexible Term.

    Where can I check my yield distribution and accrual records?

    Detailed subscription/redemption records are available in your Funding Account under Orders → Earn Order → Bybit Savings → Flexible Term then change to record type to Yield to check your Yield Distribution and Yield Accrued record.


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    APR Booster Voucher

    What is an APR Booster Voucher?

    An APR Booster voucher is a reward for Flexible Savings plans that increases your annual percentage rate (APR) by a certain percentage, boosting the interest you earn on your savings. Each APR Booster voucher will have its respective yield boost cap or yield boost period, which can be found in the reward’s details. 

    What is the Yield Boost Cap?

    The Yield Boost Cap is the maximum yield amount you’re able to gain through this APR Booster voucher. When the cap is reached, the APR Booster will no longer be in effect.

    What is the Yield Boost Period?

    The Yield Boost Period is the maximum effective duration for the selected APR Booster voucher. The Yield Boost Period will start from the hour following your successful subscription with the APR Booster voucher applied. Boosted yields are calculated hourly and distributed to your account daily from the start of the Boost Period. Upon expiration, the APR Booster will no longer apply.

    How does the APR Booster Voucher work?

    When subscribing to Flexible Savings products, you can select an APR Booster, if available. Yields start calculating from the next full hour after the subscription, and the boosted yield calculation ends when reaching the Yield Boost Cap or completing the boost period, whichever comes first. 


    You can stake more coins for extra yields during the event. After the APR Booster expires, your savings plan continues earning yields with the normal Est.APR, but without the boosted effect.


    For example, if you've subscribed to a Flexible Savings plan with a 10% APR and the APR Booster you've selected offers a 50% boosted APR, your product plan will have a cumulative APR of 60% (10% + 50%). Assuming the Yield Boost Cap is 1,000 USDT and the Yield Boost Period is 7 days. The additional 50% APR will be valid until the selected APR Booster Voucher expires or the cap has been reached. If you add more investment amounts to the same Flexible Savings plan, the boosted APR effect will be applied by default as long as the selected APR Booster is still in effect. Similarly, any existing invested amount is entitled to receive the boosted yield after the APR booster voucher is applied.

    How to apply the APR Booster Voucher to my Savings plan?

    APR Booster is only available to users who hold such vouchers. If you're eligible for an APR Booster, you will see the rewards available in your Rewards Hub. Claim it from the Rewards Hub, and you can select the voucher when subscribing to the Flexible Savings plan.



    Can I add more investment amount after using the vouchers?

    Yes, as long as the APR Booster Voucher has not expired or reached the cap, any additional investment amount will get the additional APR from the APR Booster Voucher.

    How can I see my boosted voucher is in effect?

    You can see the boosted APR reflected on your holdings page.



    Additionally, on the Bybit Savings page, you can monitor the total yield earned from the APR booster displayed, allowing you to track whether you've reached the Yield Boost Cap.


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