    How to Transfer Your Google Authenticator Code to Your New Phone
    bybit2025-01-09 08:11:46

    How To Export Google Authenticator Into Your New Phone

    Step 1: Follow these steps on your existing smartphone's Google Authenticator App.

    1. Open Google Authenticator then tap the three-dot menu icon located on the top right corner.

    2. Select Transfer accounts.

    3. Select Export accounts and enter your PIN code when prompted.

    4. Select the accounts you want to transfer into your new phone and then tap Next.

    5. The app will display a QR code. Ensure that your Google Authenticator App is installed and functional inside your new smartphone.

    6. Move over to the new smartphone's Google Authenticator App.






    Step 2: Follow these steps on your new smartphone's Google Authenticator App.

    1. Open Google Authenticator then tap the three-dot menu icon located on the top right corner.

    2. Select Transfer accounts.

    3. Select Import accounts.

    4. Tap on Scan QR codes.

    5. Scan the QR code displayed inside your existing smartphone.

    6. Your Google Authenticator transfer is now complete.


    Note: If your randomly generated code does not work, please consider Syncing Your Google Authenticator.








    How to Transfer Google Authenticator Codes to a New Device using the Recovery Key Phrase

    Step 1: Download the Google Authenticator App on your new device.






    Step 2: On your Google Authenticator App, tap the + icon, then choose Manual entry.






    Step 3: Input the Recovery Key Phrase under Key. You may input anything under Account to help you easily identify the codes in case of multiple accounts using GA.



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