    How to Sell Coins With Your Bank Card on Bybit
    bybit2024-11-24 12:45:31
    On the AppOn the Website

    The following guide presents detailed steps on how to sell or withdraw fiat currency to your bank card using crypto currencies.


    Please note that the payment methods displayed on the order page will vary depending on the coin and fiat currency you’ve selected. Please find below the list of currently supported fiat currencies for each payment method.


    Supported Fiat Currencies

    Available Payment Methods



    Bank Transfer

    Only NG verified accounts are allowed. ID card verification is mandatory. 




    Step 1: Click on Buy CryptoOne-Click Buy on the top left corner of the navigation bar to enter the One-Click Buy page.


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    Step 2: Place an order by following these steps:

    1. Select the fiat you would like to receive.

    2. Select the crypto currency that you want to pay with.

    3. Enter the purchase amount. You can enter the transaction amount based on fiat currency or coin, according to your needs.

    4. Select your preferred Payment Method.

    5. Click on Sell with Crypto


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    Step 3: Choose the receiving account and check the payment details carefully before confirming your order.


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    Step 4: You may need to create or link your bank card for the initial withdrawal. If you previously linked your card while buying coins with One-Click Buy, the card details will be displayed. Once you have successfully linked/chosen your bank card, click on Confirm to proceed.


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    Please find below some important information to take note of when linking your bank account.


    Supported Fiat Currencies

    Available Payment Methods

    Required Information



    Bank Transfer

    • Names

    • Country

    • Mobile number

    • Residing Address

    • DOB

    • Email

    • ID Type and Number

    • Additional Type such as BVN

    • Bank Account Information

    Only Visa and Mastercard that issued from Nigeria are supported.


    Please ensure that the bank account you use for this transfer is held by you and is the same as the one you have submitted on Bybit while creating the order.


    Note: You can only link up to 3 Visa and Mastercard cards in One-Click Buy.






    Step 5: Once completed, you will receive a notification on your withdrawal status. If successful, the assets will be withdrawn from your Funding Account to your destination account instantly. If not, the notification will indicate the failure reason and you will be advised to try again later.


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    If you have made the payment but have not received the asset in your Bybit account after 3 working days, kindly submit your request here with the Order ID and UID.



    You can track your deposit on the One-Click Buy order page by clicking on the history icon on the One-Click Buy page.

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